Track & Field Services
Meet Management Services
- Finish Lynx / IdentiLynx FAT
- Flash Timing back-up video system
- Hy-Tek software scoring / meet results
- On site meet results & post-meet results posted on BKT website
- Finish Line clock for distance splits
- ResultsTV for facilities with Video Boards, screens/scoreboards, etc.
- BKT will furnish its own tents/tables/chairs/radios/generators, etc.
- BKT is only responsible for the timing aspects of an event – see Meet Director notes below
On-Site Personnel / Duties
Finish Lynx Operator (Head Timer) – capture races – coordinate with starter
Hy-Tek Operator – coordinate w/Finish Lynx operator – print results – support meet officials – redraw events when required. Coordinate with Meet Director with entry process
Starter Caddy – facilitate/coordinate between Head Timer & Starter – assist @ finish line when possible
Finish Line Spotter – coordinate w/timers – assist/provide support for finish line officials – provide guidance for lap counters, etc.
Meet Director Responsible for:
- Starter and their ammo
- Hip Numbers & the hipping station personnel – BKT requires 2 numbers on any athlete that crosses the finish line. (in special cases – BKT can provide hip numbers – however the minimum fee for hip numbers is $100)
- Running Referee / Field Event Referee
- Announcer
- General meet management tasks: Check-In, Clerking, “runners” to post results
- Facility technology personnel to assist with ResultsTV and live results
- Wind Gauges & their operators (NCAA & USATF events)
Entry Protocol
Effective – January 2016 – Track and Field clients will need to use a service (Direct Athletics, Milesplit, etc.) to process their event entries. Our spring schedule has simply outgrown our capability to process meet entries through our own website. Apologies to our long time clients who have grown accustomed to that option in recent years.
If you have committed to hiring our group to time your event – it is assumed you are willing to accept the basic guidelines related to championship events. Once your entry deadline has passed and the events have been seeded – we will not accept additions or substitutions. If you conduct a Scratch meeting – we will accept scratches and will reseed events when possible to tighten up the competition.
We normally print copies of event results for: 1- posting, 2- announcers, & 3- awards. Meet management must provide a “runner” to distribute those copies. We do not print post-meet results for all the coaches and teams. Those results will be available through our website following the meet. If your facility has the appropriate WiFi services – we can arrange for live results to be posted to our website.
Appeals Process
If a coach needs to appeal what they feel is an error in a timing result – they must follow the normal “chain-of-command” protocols: they should approach the Meet Director and/or Running Event Referee and explain their request. Then the Meet Director can ask BKT to review the result to clarify the situation. Coaches should understand that they will not be invited into the timing tent to participate in that specific process. The Meet Director and Head Timer will review the contested result and report back to the coach with their findings. If it is determined that the result was in error – BKT will update the result and scoring to reflect the correction.
New Clients - Site Questionnaire
Big Kahuna Timing prefers to set up on the infield for Track & Field events – we feel it is more client- friendly and enables us to better serve the coaches and athletes. When we are visiting a facility for the first time we will need answers to the following questions about your facility:
- 6 lanes or 8 lanes?
- Grass or artificial infield?
- Single / common finish line?
- Reliable power source on the infield?
- Fence on either side of the finish line area?
- Any unusual existing facility conditions/concerns? (for example – one of our client’s facility has the Long Jump pit directly behind the common finish line, and another client’s facility cannot safely allow hurdling in lane 6)

Cross Country Services
Meet Management Services
- 2 basic levels of timing (see notes below)
- Flash Timing back-up video system
- Online entry process through Direct Athleics, NC Milesplit or our website
- Hy-Tek software scoring / meet results
- On site meet results & post-meet results posted on BKT website
- Finish Line clock
- Megaphone and/or powered monitor to assist with your awards process
- BKT will furnish its own tents/tables/chairs/radios/generators, etc.
- BKT is only responsible for the timing of an event – see Meet Director notes below
Timing Options
1 – Enhanced Hand Timing: recommended for small invitationals and/or conference meets (less than 150 athletes per race) The runners are hand timed with Nielsen-Kellerman XC watches and Seiko Printer watches. The runners must stay in order and have their finish order recorded as they exit the finish chute. When the final runner finishes – the times are downloaded from the N-K watches into the Hy-Tek laptop and the results are printed.
2 – Ipico Sports Chip Timing: recommended for large invitationals and XC carnival formats (but available for all events) The athletes wear chips (see options below) and are timed as they cross the finish line mats – they may exit the finish corral at their own pace – they do not need to stay in their finish order. When the final runner finishes – the race results are processed and printed.
Chip options:
- Shoe tags (effective Fall 2015 – shoe tags will not be an available option for large carnival format events)
- Reusable bib chips
Both of these options require meet management to provide volunteers to assist in recovering the shoe tags or bibs post-race
Disposable bib chips – meet management / client bears the cost of this option
**Both of the timing options include the Flash Timing video back-up system – which provides the opportunity to review the finish order to resolve any issues concerning finish order.
As a rule – chip timing is more expensive – if your event is under 150 athletes per race – enhanced hand timing will save you money – and you will receive your results just as fast as a chip timed event.
Meet Director Responsible for:
- Race bibs and pins
- Personnel to handle the Check-in process
- Course management tasks – setting up the race course – providing race monitors, etc. (BKT will normally assist in providing an attractive finish line / chute / corral area)
- Volunteers to assist athletes in the finish chute/corral
- Volunteers to assist in the post-race shoe tags / bibs recovery process if they choose that option
- On site medical personnel to assist athletes in distress
- Starter and their ammo (at smaller events – BKT will be glad to start the meet)
Carnival Format
When timing a large – carnival style format event – BKT recommends that meet management post “unofficial” individual race results following each race (minus team scores). This will allow the coaches to inspect the individual results to confirm that all their athletes appear in the finish order. If coaches detect missing athletes – then they can bring those athletes to our attention – and we can review the back-up video to place their athlete in their proper finish position and correct team scores, etc.
Standard Road Race Services
Types of Timing
Two levels of timing are available: Enhanced hand timing (for smaller races, 200 participants or fewer) and IPICO SPORTS chip timing (for larger events). Please see our Cross Country Services for a detailed description.
Personnel & Equipment
We will provide 2 or 3 technicians to perform the timing & process results on race day
We will provide our own equipment: Tent, table, chairs, cones, flags, computers, printers, etc. A power source would be appreciated – but we can operate with our own generators.
**At this time we do not offer registration services through our website for our road race clients**
Pre-race registration: You of course are in charge of all pre-race registration. On the day/night before the race – we will arrange a meeting to exchange all the pre-registered runners – then we can enter those folks into the scoring program.
Race Day “walk-up” registration: on the day of the race – you will have folks on hand to register “walk-ups” – one of us will sit at that table with your folks – and we will enter those folks into the computer. I suggest that entries be cut off about 30 minutes prior to the start of the race. That will give us time to complete those entries and to transfer our equipment to the finish line area.
Finish Line
We will bring equipment to set up a finish line & finish chute for manually timed evennts or a corral for chip timed events.
We will supply a digital display clock at the finish line. Digital clock displays are “unofficial.” Official results are processed through our timers
Race Start
We will provide a starters pistol and fire the gun to start the race
We will bring a megaphone to use at the starting line to aid with giving start instructions & any last minute reminders you might want to share.
We will time the finishers and provide race results on site – and at our website (
We can furnish a powered monitor and microphone to assist with your awards process.
Important stuff that you will be responsible for providing:
- You will need to provide 2 volunteers to help at the finish line & chute. We will instruct those volunteers on their duties.
- It is crucial that you monitor the “back end” of the race – so that someone can tell us when the final participant crosses the finish line. We cannot process your race results until we are certain that everyone is finished.
- It is also important that the participants wear their assigned number. The scoring software is “number specific” – that person is entered into their age group, etc. – via their assigned race number. For example – if an 8 year old girl is registered to run – then for whatever reason does not participate – if her 35 year old dad puts on her number and finishes the race – the scoring program is going to list his daughter in an unearned position – and could potentially mess up your awards.
- You will be responsible for purchasing those race numbers – that expense is not covered in our fee. We will be glad to advise you which vendors to contact if you need help purchasing the race numbers.
- Most folks use a basic spreadsheet as they handle their entries. If possible – we like to request the spreadsheet be set up like this (from left to right): Last Name, First Name, Gender, Age, Bib Number, Hometown – – (then whatever extra data you need).

Clients Include:
Appalachian State University, Asheville Christian Academy, Athletic Quilt Streetlight 5K, Big South Conference, Campbell University, CFA Academy, Cargo Transporters 5K, Catawba County Championships, CW Porter Relays, Foothills Athletic Conference, Gaston County Championships, Hearts and Hope 5K, High Country Turkey Trot 5K, High Point University, JDL Fast Track, Jungle Run Night Race, Lenoir Rhyne University, Maggie’s Run 5K, NCHSAA CC Championships, NCHSAA Indoor Track Championships, NCRunners Elite CC Invitational, North Piedmont Conference, NW 3A-4A Conference, Piedmont District (Va.) Indoor Championships, Run for Maggie 5K, Sailview 5K, SD-7 Conference, SMAC, Smoky Mountain Conference, South Atlantic Conference, South Fork Conference, Southern Piedmont Conference, The Cub 7 Miler, UNC-Asheville, United Way CC Invitational, Wake Forest University, Wingate University, ZOE Power Run 5K
“We have been very pleased with the professionalism and responsiveness of Big Kahuna Timing. Their staff is engaging and understands the need to provide timely and accurate results.”